Bullcoming Tape #4

Taped at unknown indigenous church meeting in Oklahoma, lead sings have PA assistance, other voices can be heard.

Numbers refer to the Cheyenne Hymnbook.

Side A

115 Ma'heo'Nehve'hoomemeno

148 Jesus, Nestata'enomevoemenoo'o

51 Venatsetsehneva

61 Naho'ehohta nemeo'o

1 Jesus Nahetotaetanome

62 Jesus Naesenohtsehohta

70 Nevovehatsemeno Ma'heo'o

16 Venaasenoota Jesus

98 Jesus he'ama nevaesenesevatama

59 Mahvesevese nestseameotse

24 Jesus Netavovehone

5 Netanohs'hotone ma'heo'o

131 Hahoo Jesus tseameotseseme-noto

39 Hootova Eseeva

1 Jesus nahetotaetanome

61 naho'ehohta nemeo'o

122 Jesus venave'hoomemeno

Side B

39 Hootova Eseeva

148 Jesus nesta'ta'enomevemeno

61 Nao'ehohta nemeo'o

97 Jesus hemeo'o

2 Jesus hestchaatamaahestova

57 nenaase ho'homa

5 Netanohsehohtone ma'heo'o131 Hahoo Jesus tse'ameotsesemenototo

111 haho Ma'heo'o tsehvo'estanvesemenoto

123 Neho'e anoheve'hoomestse

136 Jesus Nene'etametovatse

___ Hootova.. narrative in Cheyenne

___ Netavovehone Ma'heo'o

3 Esenehane Jesus