DKMC Powwow with Luxembourg Vol. I

A powwow was organized by the staff at Dull Knife Memorial College for a bus load of citizens, not professional entertainers, from Luxembourg, a small nation between Belgium, France, and Germany. Song and dance was shared between the two ethnic groups. Continued briefly 545c89.
1. Cheyenne processional, a Sioux song by Black Bear Singers
2. Flag song by Birney singers; this is the "Birney flag song"
3. Honor song for Vietnam Veterans.
4. Gourd dance song I
5. Gourd dance song II
6. Gourd dance song III
7. Gourd dance song IV
8. Luxembourg folk song intro, followed by song and dance, then a couple dance
9. N. Cheyenne round dance, no words
10. Clayton White Grass, hoop dance exhibition, Black Bear singers sing a special for the hoop dance.
11. Clown dance sung by Birney singers
12. Shane and Monique Shot Gun, little kids dance exhibition
13. "Go My Son" popular Western style played on tape while three girls do hand singing of the words
(continued on tape 2, side A 454KDMC, 15 minutes)