Petter Hymns Vol.I
Recording by singing group for DKMC archives, of old hymns translated into Cheyenne by Dr. Rodolph Petter, early Mennonite missionary.
James Shoulderblade. leader, Lame Deer. Gladys Oldmouse, Louise Fisher, Floyd Fisher, Wayne Leman, Elena Leman, all of Busby. Also Dave Graber, Hardin. Translated hymns are sung from the Cheyenne hymnbook as James Shoulderblade directs.
These hymns were translated and learned beginning around 60 to 80 years ago. In recent years only a few of these hymns were remembered, but with the writing and publishing of the Cheyenne hymnbook (with James Shoulderblade's able assistant), it has become possible to sing many of the translated Cheyenne hymns previously inaccessible because the English gospel songs from which they were inaccessible because of English gospel songs of which they were derived are forgotten among the larger English- speaking population.
Numbers refer to hymn number in the Cheyenne hymns in the Cheyenne hymnbook, Tsese-Ma'heone-Nemeototse, available from the White River Cheyenne Mennonite Church, Box 37, Busby Mt 59034.
Eota'hohaepeva'e TsestBeheBemano'eetse, #4
Jesus Netanaho'ohtsevatse (Take me as I am,) #128
Tsehene'tahestoveto, hetseohe vesevemeno (Come thou almighty king,) #6
Ho'eva tsevesestanovese (Old Hundredth) #7
Nehene'enovohe Ehane he'amo'omee'e (Chime of Silver Bell)#10
Netaveho'otone neme'heonamane (Now thank we all our God) #13
Hetotaepavevoona'o Hark 10,000 harps and voices, #14
Ravetaa'eva nahe'xoveva Silent Night #28
Ma'xeetahpeno mahnestooheto When the roll is called up yonder #43
Netatoxetano'tanone #147
Singers under Shoulderblade's directions this second session, Aug 12, include: Mr. and Mrs. Wendy Shoulderblade, Gladys Oldmouse, Louise Fisher, Floyd Fisher, Wayne and Elena Leman, Joey Duty, Ora June and Dave Graber.
Tsehehe'toneto he'ama ho'eva ( tune of America, #15. (problems)
Jesus Eto'eametanene (Holy God we praise thy name)
Jesus Tsestoxetano'toese (Jesus delcis memoria, #20)
Netaveho'otatsemeno Jesus (We praise thee, we bless thee) #23
Ma'vevehonevatamano'ota (Crown him Kings of Kings)#25
NetavoeBeasenootone Jesus tsehestaotse'atse (Live in the sunshine) #29
Hahoo neohkehetatsmeno tsexheBemeato Jesus (Chime of silver bell) #31
NetavoeBeasenootone (O du frohliche #33)
NetavoeBeasenootone Jesus eevaohaa'e (#34)
Emahaa'eveBe ahto'hohestova Low in the grave he lay #35
Tseme'to'kaho'henaa'estse etove I gave my life for thee #36
Etovane Jesus ehnaa'e (Oh glad and glorious gospel) #37
#47 ehane neonoomaene
(omitted #53)
#54 Jesus nehesevamaene (Jesus calls us)
#56 Naho'tseveha tune, Clementine 56
#60 Jesus NeeBenestovatse (I heard the voice of Jesus say)
#63 Vo'estanevestomaneho, nenohtooseme'tomaneche, nenohtooseme'tovatse (Rock of ages)
#65 AhaaEBeeva nehe'xoveva (O happy day)
Singers unders Shoulderblade directions this third session August 12, include: Gladys OldMouse, Louise Fisher, Josephine Glenmore, Louise Fisher, Wayne and Elena Leman and Dave Graber.
#71 Nho'e Ma'heo'o nanoohta (What a friend we have in Jesus)
#72 Ma'xeeno'eestomaneche (The great physician)
#73 Tseto'eevehestato nenaho'ohtsevatse (Just as I am)
#74 Estseovestse nahtsestaheva
#75 Navoestanevehahtsetano haveseveva (Whiter than snow)